A digitised version of ICSF library, with more than 2000 original documents and 12,000+ curated links, collected over the last 33 years The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

Training manual on fisheries management practices and techniques

K. G., Mini and T. M., Najmudeen and N., Rajesh and Selvam, Chandrasekar (2024) Training manual on fisheries management practices and techniques. CMFRI Training Manual Series No. 43 . ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

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Official URL: https://eprints.cmfri.org.in/18914/1/Training%20Ma...


India is the third-largest globally in terms of total fish production and ranks sixth in the world for marine capture fisheries production, with a contribution of 4.7% in 2020 (FAO, 2022). The marine fisheries sector contributes significantly to the food and nutritional requirements of the people and provide livelihood to a segment of the population rooted in tradition and skill. Fisheries sector play a significant role in the Indian economy. It supports the livelihood of nearly 3.8 million coastal population by providing income and employment (Sathianandan et al., 2021) and earns an annual foreign exchange worth US$8.1 billion through marine exports (MPEDA, 2023). One of the main responsibilities of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ICARCMFRI) is to assess and monitor India's exploited marine fish resources for deriving management measures to keep the harvest of the resources at sustainable levels.

Item Type: Documents
Keywords: Training, Fisheries Management, Livelihood, Harvest, Marine Fisheries, Capture Fisheries, Fisheries Resources, Stock Assessment, CMFRI
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 12:10
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 12:10
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/20592

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