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Legislating for an ecosystem approach to fisheries: A review of trends and options in Africa

Skonhoft, Anniken (2011) Legislating for an ecosystem approach to fisheries: A review of trends and options in Africa. FAO EAF–Nansen Project Report No. 10 . Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy.

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Although the need for a shift towards an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) has reached a point of general acceptance by those involved in fisheries management, there is still a need for guidance on how to apply the EAF in practice. The objective of this study has been to provide the countries participating in the Nansen Project with information on the practical adoption and application of the EAF from a legal perspective, in particular by providing guidance on how to implement the EAF in nat ional legislation. The first part of the study reviews available international and regional instruments relevant to the EAF, and highlights the EAF-related principles and concepts that are contained in these instruments. The second part of the study describes how these EAF-related principles and concepts can be implemented in national legislation through identification of the legal and institutional mechanisms and management measures that can support such implementation. This is followed by an assessment of how, and to what extent, selected countries participating in the Nansen Project have legislated for EAF at the national level, focusing on both fisheries legislation and other legal frameworks relevant to the EAF. The study is concluded by a synthesis of some of the trends in national EAF implementation in the participating countries.

Item Type: Documents
Keywords: Africa, Fisheries Legislation, Fisheries Management, Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF), Regional Fisheries, Fishing Gear, Stakeholders, Monitoring, FAO
Subjects: Biodiversity
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 12:04
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 12:04
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21043

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