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Sea country indigenous protected areas: Indigenous leadership in the protection of Australia’s marine environments

Isaac, Janella and Mouda, Rowena and Barrett, David and Gould, Jackie and Vernes, Tanya and Smyth, Dermot (2024) Sea country indigenous protected areas: Indigenous leadership in the protection of Australia’s marine environments. Marine Policy, 170.

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Australia’s diverse marine environments have been protected and managed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People since time immemorial, and as an inherent function of their rights and cultural responsibilities. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People around Australia have successfully established Sea Country Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs), a system of Indigenous-driven collaborative governance and management for protected areas that is unique to Australia. To date, there are fourteen Sea Country IPAs protecting over four million hectares of Sea Country around Australia. This story of Indigenous-led management of traditional sea estates continues to gain recognition in Australia. Though not established under legislation, marine areas within Sea Country IPAs are consistent with the IUCN protected area definition as areas dedicated and managed “by legal and under effective means” and are formally recognised by the Australian Government as part of Australia’s MPA estate. We discuss the enabling factors that have contributed to the success of IPAs in Australia, drawing on the experiences of Traditional Owners presenting at IMPAC5,1 and also the challenges to fully enable Traditional Owners to affirm their rights, roles and responsibilities as coastal and marine managers. Overcoming these challenges provides a pathway for Indigenous-led frameworks, recognition and practice of Indigenous rights and interests for the active management of Australia’s marine protected areas.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs), Marine Environments, Australia, Marine Protected Area, Legislation, Marine Area
Subjects: Biodiversity
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 11:59
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 11:59
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21147

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