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Seaweeds for the sustainable blue economy development: A study from the south east coast of Bangladesh

Ahmed, Zahir Uddin and Hasan, Omar and Rahman, Muhammad Mizanur and Akter, Morgina and Rahman, Shajjadur and Sarker, Subrata (2022) Seaweeds for the sustainable blue economy development: A study from the south east coast of Bangladesh. Heliyon, 8 (3).

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Bangladesh is a maritime country with an area of 118000 km2 which supports a large number of commercially important species. Currently seaweeds are considered as important component of blue economy development in Bangladesh and farming is practiced at small scale level (Hypnea spp, Caulerpha reacemosa, Gelidium sp. are cultured). For the expansion of the seaweed farming in Bangladesh, a complete understanding of social and economic status of current farmers is important. However, information on socio-economic status of seaweed industry in Bangladesh is very limited. Therefore, this study aimed to understand existing culture methods and their cost, marketing channel and problems with seaweed farming in south east coast of Bangladesh. We used questionnaire survey and focus group discussions to collect data from seaweed farmers, researchers, local community and entrepreneurs. The study found that farmers are currently practicing long-line and horizontal net methods for the seaweed farming in the south east coastal region. The study also found that these culture methods are economically profitable. Seaweeds are currently sold locally and a proper value chain for seaweed marketing is still missing. Existing seaweed farmers are facing the problems related to insufficient credits for starting seaweed farming, lack of proper guidelines for farming and processing of harvested seaweed. This study suggests that for industrial level expansion of seaweed production in Bangladesh a proper value chain, development of seaweed derived products, farm monitoring systems, smooth seed supply and information hubs are required.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Seaweeds, Sustainable Development, Blue Economy, Bangladesh, Local Communities, Value Chain, Coastal Communities, Marine Ecosystem
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 08:06
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 08:06
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21340

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