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National biodiversity strategy and action plan III (2025-2030) - Uganda

NEMA, National Environment Management Authority (2024) National biodiversity strategy and action plan III (2025-2030) - Uganda. National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).

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NBSAP III addresses critical issues in biodiversity conservation and management, including protected areas, access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, digital sequence information on genetic resources, invasive species, pollution, restoration, climate change, sustainable use, mainstreaming, biotechnology, gender, youth, indigenous peoples and local communities, spatial planning and resource mobilization. NBSAPII also address habitat loss - particularly in wetlands and forests - driven by the conversion of natural spaces for commercial developments and habitat degradation. Other vital concerns covered by the NBSAP III include human-wildlife conflicts, encroachment into protected areas, agricultural expansion and illegal wildlife trade. Socio-economic challenges such as population growth, gender inequality, and poverty that complicate biodiversity conservation efforts are given due consideration. The vision of Uganda’s NBSAPIII is “Rich biodiversity benefiting the present and future generations.” Its goal is to “To enhance biodiversity conservation, reduce biodiversity loss and ensure equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources” This will be achieved through seven strategic objectives, namely: 1.To increase the connectivity, integrity and resilience of ecosystems. 2. To harness biotechnology for socio-economic transformation with adequate safety measures for human health and environment. 3. To promote inclusive, fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources, including digital sequence information on genetic resources, and of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. 4. To strengthen stakeholder co-ordination, inclusive participation, partnerships and frameworks for biodiversity conservation . 5. To facilitate and build capacity for research, technology development, innovation, monitoring and knowledge management. 6. To enhance stakeholder awareness, education and stewardship of biodiversity conservation. 7. To promote innovative and sustainable funding solutions for implementing NBSAPIII

Item Type: Documents
Keywords: Uganda, NBSAP, Genetic Resources, Conservation, Climate Change, Sustainable Use, Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Stakeholders, Traditional Knowledge, Stakeholder, Capacity Building
Subjects: Biodiversity
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2025 06:25
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2025 06:25
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21461

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