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Roberts, Callum M and Bene, Christophe and Bennett, Nathan James and Boon, James S. and Cheung, William and Cury, Philippe M and Defeo, Omar and De, Georgia and Cleyndert, Jong and Froese, Rainer and Gascuel, Didier and Golden, Christopher D. and Hawkins, Julie and Hobday, Alistair J and Jacquet, Jennifer and Kemp, Paul and Lam, Mimi and Manach, Frederic Le and Meeuwig, Jessica J. and Micheli, Fiorenza and Morato, Telmo and Norris, Catrin and Nouvian, Claire and Pauly, Daniel and Pikitch, Ellen and Amargos, Fabian Pina and Arroyo, Andrea Saenz- and Sumaila, Rashid and Teh, Louise and Watling, Les and O'Leary, Bethan C (2024) Rethinking sustainability of marine fisheries for a fast-changing planet. p. 12.
Roberts, Callum and Bene, Christophe and Bennett, Nathan and Boon, James S. and Cheung, William W. L. and Cury, Philippe and Defeo, Omar and Cleyndert, Georgia De Jong and Froese, Rainer and Gascuel, Didier and Golden, Christopher D. and Hawkins, Julie and Hobday, Alistair J. and Jacquet, Jennifer and Kemp, Paul and Lam, Mimi E. and Manach, Frédéric Le and Meeuwig, Jessica J. and Micheli, Fiorenza and Morato, Telmo and Norris, Catrin and Nouvian, Claire and Pauly, Daniel and Pikitch, Ellen and Amargos, Fabian Piña and Arroyo, Andrea Saenz- and Sumaila, U. Rashid and Teh, Louise and Watling, Les and Leary, Bethan C. O’ (2024) “Rethinking sustainability of marine fisheries for a fast-changing planet,”. NPJ Ocean Sustainability, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2731-426X
Bene, Christophe and Barange, Manuel and Subasinghe, Rohana P. and Pinstrup-Andersen, Per and Merino, Gorka and Hemre, Gro-Ingunn and Williams, Meryl J. (2015) Feeding 9 billion by 2050 - Putting fish back on the menu. Food Security.
Bene, Christophe and Devereux, Stephen and Roelen, Keetie (2015) Social protection and sustainable natural resource management: Initial findings and good practices from small-scale fisheries. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No.1106 . Food and Agricultural Organisation, Rome. ISBN 978-92-5-108772-5
Weeratunge, Nireka and Bene, Christophe and Siriwardane, Rapti and Charles, Anthony T. and Johnson, Derek and Allison, Edward H. and Nayak, Prateep Kumar and Badjeck, Marie-Caroline (2013) Small-scale fisheries through the wellbeing lens. Fish and Fisheries.
Bene, Christophe (2011) CAADP and fisheries policy in Africa: Are we aiming for the right reform? Policy Brief.
Bene, Christophe and Friend, Richard M. (2011) Poverty in small-scale fisheries: Old issue, new analysis. Progress in Development Studies, 11 (2). pp. 119-144. ISSN 1464-9934
Bene, Christophe and Merten, Sonja (2008) Women and fish-for-sex: Transactional sex, HIV/AIDS and gender in African fisheries. World Development, Vol.36 (5). pp. 875-899. ISSN 0305-750X
Bene, Christophe (2008) Assessing vulnerability to poverty in fishing communities. UNSPECIFIED.
Bene, Christophe (2008) Global change in African fish trade: Engine of development or threat to local food security? OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers No.10 . Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, France.
Bene, Christophe and Emma, Belal and Baba, Malloum Ousman and Ovie, Solomon and Raji, Aminu and Malasha, Isaac and Andi, Mamane Na and Njaya, Friday and Russell, Aaron (2008) Governance, decentralization and co-management: Lessons from Africa. UNSPECIFIED.
Garcia, Serge M. and Allison, Edward H. and Andrew, Neil L. and Bene, Christophe and Bianchi, Gabriella and Graaf, Gertjan de and Kalikoski, Daniela and Mahon, Robin and Orensanz, Lobo (2008) Towards integrated assessment and advice in small-scale fisheries: Principles and processes. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 515 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 978-92-5-106064-3/2070-7010
Sugunan, Vasu V. and Welcomme, Robin L. and Bene, Christophe and Brummett, Randall E. and Beveridge, Malcolm C.M. (2007) Inland fisheries and aquaculture. UNSPECIFIED, India.
Bene, Christophe (2004) Small-scale fisheries: Assessing their contribution to rural livelihoods in developing countries. FAO Fisheries Circular No.1008 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 0429-9329
Kolding, Jeppe and Bene, Christophe and Bavinck, Maarten Small-scale fisheries - Importance, vulnerability, and deficient knowledge (Chapter 22). Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation.