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WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Fisheries subsidies: Road map for discussions - 18 December 2008. TN/RL/W/236 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2011) Fisheries subsidies: Special and differential treatment - 26 January 2011. TN/RL/GEN/173/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Fisheries subsidies: Special and differential treatment: Paper from Argentina, 1 June 2000. TN/RL/GEN/138 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Fisheries subsidies: Special and differential treatment: Paper from Argentina, 26 January 2007. TN/RL/GEN/138/Rev.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Fisheries subsidies: Submission from New Zealand on paragraph 32(i) of the Doha Declaration - 19 March 2002. WT/CTE/W/204 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Fisheries subsidies: Subsidies for vessel construction and modification: Paper from Japan - 6 March 2006. TN/RL/W/201 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Fisheries subsidies: UNEP Workshop on fisheries subsidies and sustainable fisheries management: Communication from New Zealand - 8 June 2004. TN/RL/W/161 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Fourth contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on anti-dumping measures. TN/RL/W/46 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Fourth set of questions from the United States on papers submitted to the rules negotiating group - 6 May 2003. TN/RL/W/103 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Further contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on the agreement on subsidies and countervailing duty measures, submission from Australia - 18 July 2003. TN/RL/W/139 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further contribution to the discussion on the framework for disciplines on fisheries subsidies: Paper from Brazil - 16 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/79 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further explanation of the public interest proposal, paper from Hong Kong, China - 17 November 2005. TN/RL/W/194 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Further explanation on the proposals on article 5.8 of the ADA (Negligible imports): Communication from the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 1 March 2006. TN/RL/W/199 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further explanations on the applicability of article 2 and 6 and the de minimis rule to the proceedings under articles 9.3 and 9.5: Paper from Chile, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Rep. of Korea, Norway, Switzerland, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Thailand and Turkey, supplement - 19 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/44 Suppl.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Further issues identified under the anti-dumping and subsidies agreements for discussion by the negotiating group on rules: Communication from the United States - 20 June 2003. TN/RL/W/130 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further proposal on issues relating to article 6.9 of the ADA: Paper from Norway - 17 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/87 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Further proposal on serious prejudice: Paper from Brazil - 21 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/113 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further proposal on the submission of data concerning affiliated parties: Paper from Japan - 14 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/72 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission of proposals on sunset: Communication from Chile, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Republic of Korea, Norway, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 17 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/74 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission of proposals on the mandatory application of the lesser duty rule: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, China, Republic of Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 13 May 2005. TN/RL/GEN/43 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission on facts available: Paper from Chile, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Republic of Korea, Norway, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 16 September 2005. TN/RL/GEN/64 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Further submission on issues relating to the initiation and completion of investigations: Paper from Hong Kong and China - 24 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/123 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Further submission on issues relating to the initiation and completion of investigations: Paper from Hong Kong and China: Revision - 27 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/123/Rev.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission on issues relating to the initiation and completion of investigations: Paper from Hong Kong, China - 13 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/69 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission on proposals on proceedings under article 9: Paper from Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Switzerland, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Thailand and Turkey - 13 May 2005. TN/RL/GEN/44 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission on public interest: Communication from Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Republic of Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 1 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/53 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Further submission on when and how to allocate subsidy benefits over time: Paper from the United States - 3 June 2005. TN/RL/GEN/45 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2001) GATT/WTO Rules on subsidies and aids granted in the fishing industry update of notifications under the SCM agreement - 1 June 2001. WT/CTE/W/80 Add.2 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (1999) GATT/WTO Rules on subsidies and aids granted in the fishing industry - 21 September 1999. WT/CTE/W/80 Add.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (1998) GATT/WTO Rules on subsidies and aids granted in the fishing industry - 9 March 1998. WT/CTE/W/80 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) General contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on anti-dumping measures: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 15 November 2002. TN/RL/W/28 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) General contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on anti-dumping measures: Paper from Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Israel, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Revision - 22 November 2002. TN/RL/W/28/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) General contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on the agreement on subsidies and countervailing duty measure, submission from Australia - 30 April 2003. TN/RL/W/85 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) General contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on the anti-dumping agreement, submission by Australia - 30 April 2003. TN/RL/W/86 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2011) Harnessing trade for sustainable development and a green economy. World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) IUU fishing and fisheries subsidies: Paper from Japan - 10 June 2005. TN/RL/GEN/47 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Identification of additional issues under the anti-dumping and subsidies agreements, paper submitted by the United States - 6 May 2003. TN/RL/W/98 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Identification of certain major issues under the anti-dumping and subsidies agreements: Submission by the United States - 19 March 2003. TN/RL/W/72 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Identification of issues under the anti-dumping agreement that need to be improved and clarified within the current negotiations on WTO rules, second submission of the Arab Republic of Egypt - 22 May 2003. TN/RL/W/110 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Identification of issues under the anti-dumping agreement that need to be improved and clarified within the current negotiations on WTO rules, second submission of the Arab Republic of Egypt: Corrigendum - 11 June 2003. TN/RL/W/110/Corr.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Identification of parties: Paper from Brazil and the United States - 18 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/89 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Illustrative list of benchmarks for determination of material injury and causation: Communication from Japan - 13 May 2005. TN/RL/GEN/42 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Implementation-related issues - Paper by Brazil. TN/RL/W/7 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2001) Implementation-related issues and concerns - Draft decision. WT/MIN(01)/W/10 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Implementation-related issues: Paper by Brazil - 26 April 2002. TN/RL/W/7 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2022) Implementing the WTO agreement on fisheries subsidies: Challenges and opportunities for developing and least-developed country members. World Trade Organization (WTO), Switzerland.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Improved disciplines under the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures and the anti-dumping agreement: Communication from Canada - 15 April 2002. TN/RL/W/1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Improved disciplines under the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures: Communication from Canada - 6 June 2003. TN/RL/W/112 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Improved rules under the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures - Non - actionable subsidies proposal by Venezuela - 17 December 2002. TN/RL/W/41 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Improved rules under the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures - Non - actionable subsidies proposal by Venezuela - 5 January 2003. TN/RL/W/41 Corr.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Improved rules under the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures - Non-actionable subsidies, proposal by Venezuela and Cuba, Revision - 10 March 2003. TN/RL/W/41/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Improvement and clarification in articles 27.5 and 27.6 of the ASCM regarding export competitiveness: Submission by Egypt, India, Kenya and Pakistan - 16 May 2006. TN/RL/GEN/136 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) India - Additional and extra-additional duties on imports from the United States: Report of the panel. WT/DS/360/R . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) India's replies to questions from the United States on its submissions - 6 May 2003. TN/RL/W/99 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) India: Statement by H.E. Mr. Arun Jaitley minister of commerce and industry and law and justice. WT/MIN(03)/ST/7 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2001) India: Statement by the honourable Murasoli Maran minister of commerce and industry - 10 November 2001. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Informal dialogue on development and sustainability in the WTO fisheries subsidies negotiations: Issues and alternatives: Contribution by UNEP - 7 July 2006. WT/CTE/W/242 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Informal paper on anti-dumping and subsidies agreements: Paper from South Africa - 12 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/60 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2001) Integrated negotiating text for the harmonization work programme - Chapter 1-24 (Agricultural products and fish). G/RO/45/Add.8/Rev.2 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Intervention by India on the proposal by the EC captioned WTO negotiations concerning the WTO agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures. TN/RL/W/40 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Intervention by India on the proposal by the EC captioned WTO negotiations concerning the WTO agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures. TN/RL/W/40 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Intervention by India on the submission by the United States on special and differential treatment and the subsidies agreement - 11 March 2003. TN/RL/W/68 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (1998) Inventory of non-tariff provisions in regional trade agreements. WT/REG/W/26 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Investigatory procedures under the anti-dumping and subsidies agreements: Communication from the United States - 3 December 2002. TN/RL/W/35 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Issues related to article 6.10 including 'limited examination' and article 9.4 'all other's rate': Paper from Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea Rep. of, Norway, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 25 May 2005. TN/RL/W/181 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Issues related to article 6.10, including "limited examination" and article 9.4 "all other's rate": Paper from Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Switzerland, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 10 June 2005. TN/RL/GEN/46 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization JAPAN: Outline of tariff and duty rates system. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Japan's basic position in the fisheries subsidies issue. TN/RL/W/11 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Japan's basic position on the fisheries subsidies issue - 2 July 2002. TN/RL/W/11 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2000) Japan's basic position on the fishery subsidy issue, item 6: Submission by Japan. WT/CTE/W/173 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Japan's contribution to discussion on fisheries subsidies issue - 6 February 2003. TN/RL/W/52 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2000) Kenya trade policy review - Annex 1. WT/TPR/S/171/KEN . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Korea's comments on Canada's submission on the anti-dumping agreement - 24 February 2003. TN/RL/W/65 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Korea's comments on the submission from the United States - 5 May 2003. TN/RL/W/97 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Korea's view on the improvement of the sunset system, submission of the Republic of Korea - 27 May 2003. TN/RL/W/111 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Korea's views on the Doha development agenda discussions on fisheries subsidies - 2 October 2002. TN/RL/W/17 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Korea's views on the Doha development agenda: Discussions on fisheries subsidies - 2 October 2002. TN/RL/W/17 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Korea's views on the suggested categorization of fisheries subsidies - 18 March 2003. TN/RL/W/69 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Lesser duty rule: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Thailand and Turkey - 14 July 2004. TN/RL/GEN/1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Like product within the meaning of the WTO anti-dumping agreement, submission by Australia - 1 May 2003. TN/RL/W/91 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Material retardation: Communication from Egypt: Corrigendum - 26 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/122/Corr.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Mauritius. WT/MIN(05)/ST/120 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Morocco's views on the negotiations on the rules and disciplines of the agreement on implementation of article VI of the GATT 1994 and the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures: Communication from the Kingdom of Morocco - 4 December 2002. TN/RL/W/36 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Need for effective special and differential treatment for developing country members in the proposed fisheries subsidies text: Submission by India and Indonesia - 22 April 2008. TN/RL/GEN/155 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Negotiating group on rules: Report by the chairman to the trade negotiations committee - 13 July 2006. TN/RL/18 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Negotiating group on rules: Compendium of issues related to regional trade agreements. TN/RL/W/8 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Negotiating group on rules: Note by the chairman, compilation of issues and proposals identified by participants in the negotiating group on rules - 22 August 2003. TN/RL/W/143 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Negotiating group on rules: Report by the chairman to the trade negotiations committee. TN/RL/5 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Negotiating group on rules: Report by the chairman to the trade negotiations committee - 1 May 2006. TN/RL/17 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Negotiating group on rules: Report by the chairman to the trade negotiations committee - 17 July 2008. TN/RL/22 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Negotiating group on rules: Report by the chairman to the trade negotiations committee - 27 July 2006. TN/RL/19 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (1995) Negotiating history of the coverage of the agreement on technical barriers to trade with regard to labelling requirements, voluntary standards, and processes and production methods unrelated to product characteristics. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Tokyo.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Negotiations on anti-dumping and subsidies-reflection paper of the European Communities on a swift control mechanism for initiations - 7 march 2003. TN/RL/W/67 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Negotiations on regional trade agreements: Key issues for consideration - Communication from Australia. TN/RL/W/2 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Negotiations on regional trade agreements: Key issues for consideration - Communication from Australia - 24 April 2002. TN/RL/W/2 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) New draft consolidated chair texts of the AD and SCM agreements-19 December 2008. TN/RL/W/236 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) New shipper reviews (ADA article 9.5): Communication from the United States - 4 June 2004. TN/RL/W/156 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) New shipper reviews (ADA article 9.5): Communication from the United States, Revision - 14 July 2004. TN/RL/GEN/11, TN/RL/W/156/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) New shipper reviews (ADA article 9.5): Paper from the United States - 17 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/91 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) New shipper reviews (article 9.5 of the anti-dumping agreement): Paper from Mexico, revision - 2 June 2006. TN/RL/GRN/98/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (1999) On the environmental impact of fisheries subsidies: A Short report by the Icelandic ministry of fisheries: Submission by Iceland - 11 March 1999. WT/CTE/W/111 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Possible approaches to improved disciplines on fisheries subsidies: Communication from the United States -19 March 2003. TN/RL/W/77 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Possible approaches to improved disciplines on fisheries: Communication from Chile - 10 June 2003. TN/RL/W/115 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Possible discipline on fisheries subsidies: Paper from Brazil, Revision - 13 March 2007. TN/RL/GEN/79/Rev.4 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Possible disciplines in fisheries subsidies: Paper from Brazil - 2 June 2006. TN/RL/GEN/79/Rev.3 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Possible disciplines on fisheries subsidies: Paper from Brazil - 21 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/79/Rev.2 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Possible disciplines on fisheries subsidies: Paper from Brazil - 21 February 2006. TN/RL/GEN/79/Rev.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Possible disciplines on fisheries subsidies: Paper from Brazil, revision - 13 March 2007. TN/RL/GEN/79/Rev.4 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Preliminary determinations (Article 6 ADA Article 12 ASCM): Communication from the United States - 20 October 2004. TN/RL/GEN/25 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization Proposal from the people's Republic of China on fisheries subsidies - 20 June 2002. TN/RL/W/9 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
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WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on affiliated parties: Paper from Brazil - 12 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/67 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on affiliated parties: Paper from the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 17 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/82 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposal on article 11.2: Communication from Brazil - 21 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/117 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on cumulation: Communication from Brazil, Switzerland and Thailand - 1 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/51 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on de minimis margins of dumping: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia,Japan, Israel, Hong Kong, China, Norway, Switzerland, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Thailand, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, revision - 14 February 2005. TN/RL/GEN/30/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on de minimis margins of dumping: Paper from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Singapore, Norway, Thailand, Turkey and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 8 February 2005. TN/RL/GEN/30 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on dumped imports: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong, CHina, Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, Thailand and the sepatrate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, revision - 28 September 2005. TN/RL/GEN/65/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on dumped imports: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 16 September 2005. TN/RL/GEN/65 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on establishment of responding and comment procedure after initiation: Communication from China - 4 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/55 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposal on facts available: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 15 September 2004. TN/RL/GEN/20 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposal on facts available: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Israel, China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 2 May 2003. TN/RL/W/93 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2011) Proposal on fisheries subsidies special and differential treatment artisanal fisheries - 19 January 2011. World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposal on fisheries subsidies: Paper by Japan - 27 September 2004. TN/RL/W/164 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposal on issues related to affiliated parties: Paper from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 11 March 2004. TN/RL/W/146 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on issues relating to evidence, public notice and explanation of the determinations under articles 6 and 12 of the ADA: Communication from Norway - 1 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/49 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on issues relating to evidence, public notice and the explanation of the determinations under articles 6 and 12 of the ADA: Communication from Norway, addendum - 14 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/49/Add.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposal on issues relating to the determination of injury under Article 3 of the ADA: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Israel, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Norway, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 2 December 2004. TN/RL/GEN/28 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposal on lesser duty: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 16 June 2003. TN/RL/W/119 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposal on like product and product under consideration: Communication from Canada - 1 December 2004. TN/RL/GEN/26 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on mandatory application of lesser duty rule: Communication from India - 22 March 2005. TN/RL/GEN/132 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on mandatory application of lesser duty rule: Communication from India - 9 February 2005. TN/RL/W/170 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on material retardation: Communication from Egypt - 13 May 2005. TN/RL/GEN/40 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on material retardation: Communication from Egypt - 31 March 2005. TN/RL/W/175 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposal on material retardation: Communication from Egypt: Revision - 6 June 2006. TN/RL/GEN/122/Rev.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on negligible imports: Paper from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 8 February 2005. TN/RL/GEN/31 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on negligible imports: Paper from Turkey - 23 March 2005. TN/RL/GEN/33 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Proposal on offsets for non-dumped comparisons: Proposal from the United States - 27 June 2007. TN/RL/GEN/147 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposal on price undertakings: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 12 June 2003. TN/RL/W/118 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposal on procedure of providing non-confidential application: Communication from Japan - 24 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/124 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on product under consideration: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Israel, Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand - 1 July 2005. TN/RL/GEN/50 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposal on prohibition of zeroing: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Singapore, Switzerland and Thailand - 6 June 2003. TN/RL/W/113 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposal on reviews: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 25 April 2003. TN/RL/W/83 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Proposal on standing of the application: Communication from China - 29 June 2007. TN/RL/GEN/148 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Proposal on sunset review: Communication from China - 29 June 2007. TN/RL/GEN/149 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposal on sunset: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey - 19 March 2003. TN/RL/W/76 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposal on the definition of domestic industry: Article 4.1 of the anti-dumping agreement (ADA): Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Norway, Switzerland, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and the separate customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 2 December 2004. TN/RL/GEN/27 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposal on the disclosure of essential facts: Communication from Turkey - 16 September 2005. TN/RL/GEN/63 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposals on article 5.8 of the ADA: Communication from the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 13 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/68 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposals on comparison at the "same level of trade": Communication from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Switzerland, and the separate customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 20 October 2004. TN/RL/GEN/24 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Proposals on cost saving on anti-dumping proceedings, submission from the European Communities and Japan - 17 July 2003. TN/RL/W/138 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposals on determination of normal value: Paper from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 16 April 2004. TN/RL/W/150 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposals on fair comparison: Paper on Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 28 May 2004. TN/RL/W/158 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Proposals on implementation related issues and concerns: Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures / anti-dumping agreement - Submission by India - 25 April 2002. TN/RL/W/4 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposals on issues related to affiliated parties: Communication from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 15 September 2004. TN/RL/GEN/19 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposals on issues relating to the anti-dumping agreement: Paper from South Africa - 29 May 2006. TN/RL/GEN/137 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposals on issues relating to the initiation and completion of investigations: Communication from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 20 October 2004. TN/RL/GEN/23 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Proposals on model matching: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 15 September 2004. TN/RL/GEN/18 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposals on the prohibition of zeroing: Communication from Japan - 24 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/126 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Proposals relating to agriculture, cotton and NAMA paragraphs in the draft ministerial text. WT/MIN(05)/23 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposed amendments to certain provisions of the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures: Communication from Canada - 21 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/112 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Proposed amendments to certain provisions of the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures: Communication from Canada: Revision - 17 May 2006. TN/RL/GEN/112/Rev.1 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Public interest: Paper from Canada - 17 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/85 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Public interest: Paper from Chile, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea Rep. of, Norway, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 29 March 2005. TN/RL/W/174 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Public interest: Paper from Chile, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Israel, Korea Rep. of, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand,Revision - 7 April 2005. TN/RL/W/174/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Question to the United States on. TN/RL/W/42 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Questions and comments from Korea on New Zealand's communication on fisheries subsidies - 8 June 2004. TN/RL/W/160 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Questions from Hong Kong and China on papers submitted to the negotiating group on rules - 19 May 2003. TN/RL/W/109 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Questions from India on Australia's paper on 'General contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on the anti-dumping agreement' - 8 May 2003. TN/RL/W/106 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Questions from Japan concerning papers on the fisheries subsidies issue - 30 April 2003. TN/RL/W/84 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Questions from Korea on the United States' paper on subsidies disciplines, submission from Korea - 5 May 2003. TN/RL/W/96 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Questions from the European Communities - 10 October 2002. TN/RL/W/20 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Questions from the United States on papers submitted to the rules negotiating group - 16 October 2002. TN/RL/W/25 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Questions pertaining to the United States' paper on basic concepts and principles of trade remedy rules: Communication from Japan - 5 February 2003. TN/RL/W/51 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Questions to the United States on: Communication from India - 17 December 2002. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Relation between article I and article V of the chair's text: Communication from the Republic of Korea and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 4 June 2008. TN/RL/GEN/159 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies by Argentina to comments and questions by Egypt - 2 September 2003. TN/RL/W/144 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies by the European Communities to questions on - "Reflection paper of the European Communities on a swift control mechanism for initiations" - 28 July 2003. TN/RL/W/142 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Replies to additional questions to our second contribution: Paper from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Israel, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 25 November 2002. TN/RL/W/31 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies to questions from India and Hong Kong, China on Australia's general contribution on anti-dumping and "like product" - 16 June 2003. TN/RL/W/121 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies to questions presented to the United States on submission - 6 February 2003. World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies to questions to our first contribution. TN/RL/W/45 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies to the questions and comments of WTO members concerning the proposal of China, submission from the people's Republic of China - 5 May 2003. TN/RL/W/94 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies to the questions by the Australian delegation in document, Submission by Brazil - 13 February 2003. TN/RL/W/64 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Replies to the questions from India: Submission from the United States - 16 March 2004. TN/RL/W/147 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Replies to the questions posed by Australia concerning the document submitted by Morocco: Communication from Morocco - 2 May 2003. TN/RL/W/87 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Replies to the questions/comments from Australia: Paper by Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 4 October 2002. TN/RL/W/18 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Reply from Canada to questions posed by the United States - 14 July 2003. TN/RL/W/134 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Reply to the questions of the United States concerning the proposal of China - 17 June 2003. TN/RL/W/127 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Report to the 5th session of the WTO ministerial conference in cancun. WT/CTE/8 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Responses by the United States to questions from Australia on investigatory procedures under the anti-dumping and subsidies agreements, Submission by the United States - 18 March 2003. TN/RL/W/71 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Responses from Canada to certain questions posed by Korea, Australia, Egypt and India - 1 May 2003. TN/RL/W/92 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Responses to questions posed by Australia on Canada's submission on improved disciplines under the agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures - 13 August 2003. TN/RL/W/145 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2001) Review of article 27.3(b): Communication from Brazil. WT/CTE/W/186 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Reviews: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and Thailand - 14 July 2004. TN/RL/GEN/10 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Revised proposal on the submission of data held by affiliate parties: Communication from Japan - 24 April 2006. TN/RL/GEN/125 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) The Role of transparency in the anti-dumping agreement, submission by New Zealand - 15 July 2003. TN/RL/W/137 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2015) Rules negotiations - Transparency: Communication from the European Union. World Trade Organization (WTO).
WTO, World Trade Organization Sanitary and phytosanitary measures: Text of the agreement - The WTO agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS agreement). World Trade Organization (WTO).
WTO, World Trade Organization Schedule CLII - People's Republic Of China, part I - Most favoured nation tariff, section II - Other products. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Second contribution by Cuba and Venezuela to the negotiating group on rules expanding on the proposal concerning non-actionable subsidies - 11 July 2003. TN/RL/W/131 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Second contribution to the discussion of the negotiating group on rules on anti-dumping measures: Paper by Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, China, Hong Kong, Israel, Korea, Japan, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 28 June 2002. TN/RL/W/10 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Second set of questions from the United States on papers submitted to the rules negotiating group: Communication from the United States - 2 December 2002. TN/RL/W/34 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Second submission of India (anti-dumping agreement) - 17 October 2002. TN/RL/W/26 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Second submission of proposals on the determination of injury: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Kinmen, Penghu and Matsu - 23 March 2005. TN/RL/GEN/38 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Selective bibliography on trade and environment 1995-2002. WT/CTE/W/49/Add.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Senior official's statement on anti-dumping negotiations: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Thailand and Turkey - 12 February 2003. TN/RL/W/63 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Senior official's statement: Communication from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, China, Israel, Japan, Rep. of Korea, Norway, Mexico, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 15 February 2005. TN/RL/W/171 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Serious prejudice: Communication from Canada - 15 September 2004. TN/RL/GEN/14 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Serious prejudice: Paper from Brazil - 16 November 2005. TN/RL/GEN/81 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Services negotiations offer real opportunities for all WTO members and more so for developing countries. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization Shrimp news. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Small scale, artisanal fisheries: Submission by India - 6 March 2006. TN/RL/W/203 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Small, vulnerable economies (SVEs) - Statement on key aspects of article III of the fisheries subsidies annex: Communication from Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dominica, El Salvador, Honduras, Fiji, Jamaica, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea, St.Lucia, St.Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tonga - 19 May 2008. TN/RL/W/226/Rev.4 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Small, vulnerable economies (SVEs) - Statement on key aspects of article III of the fisheries subsidies annex: Communication from Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dominica, El Salvador, Honduras, Fiji, Jamaica, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea, St.Lucia, St.Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tonga - 22 September 2008. TN/RL/W/226/Rev.5 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Small, vulnerable economies (SVEs) - Statement on key aspects of article III of the fisheries subsidies annex: Communication from Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Fiji, Honduras, Jamaica, Mauritius, papua New Guinea, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Tonga - 13 May 2008. TN/RL/W/226/Rev.3 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Small, vulnerable economies (SVEs) - Statement on key aspects of article III of the fisheries subsidies annex: Communication from Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Fiji, Honduras, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea and Tonga - 31 March 2008. TN/RL/W/226/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Small, vulnerable economies (SVEs) - Statement on key aspects of article III of the fisheries subsidies annex: Communication from Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Fiji, Honduras, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Tonga - 24 April 2008. TN/RL/W/226/Rev.2 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (1998) South Africa, the IOR-ARC and Southern African co-operation. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2006) Special and differential treatment and technical assistance in trade remedies: Submission by Kenya - 27 June 2006. TN/RL/GEN/143 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Special and differential treatment and the subsidies agreement: Communication from the United States - 2 December 2002. TN/RL/W/33 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2007) Special and differential treatment: Proposal from Argentina and Brazil - 17 September 2007. TN/RL/GEN/151 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Specificity: Communication from Canada - 14 July 2004. TN/RL/GEN/6 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Specificity: Paper from Brazil - 16 November 2005. TN/RL/W/191 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Statement on the negotiations on fisheries subsidies. TN/RL/W/234 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Statement on the negotiations on fisheries subsidies. TN/RL/W/234 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Stronger than expected growth sprus modest trade recovery. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2008) Sub-committee on least-developed countries: Forty ninth session - Note on the meeting of 27 March 2008 - 30 May 2008. WT/COMTD/LDC/M/49 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Submission by the United States - 16 October 2002. TN/RL/W/24 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Submission from Canada respecting the agreement on implementation of article VI of the GATT 1994 (The Anti-dumping agreement). TN/RL/W/47 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Submission from the European Communities concerning the agreement on the implementation of article VI of GATT of 1994 (anti-dumping agreement) - 8 July 2002. TN/RL/W/13 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Submission of the Arab Republic of Egypt on the clarification of certain provisions of the anti-dumping agreement - 8 May 2003. TN/RL/W/105 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Submission of the European Communities to the negotiating group on rules: Fisheries subsidies - 23 April 2003. TN/RL/W/82 . World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on circumvention: Communication from the United States - 14 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/71 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on issues relating to the initiation: Communication from Chile - 17 October 2005. TN/RL/GEN/75 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Submission on regional trade agreements by Australia - 9 July 2002. TN/RL/W/15 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by Australia, paper by Australia - 1 March 2005. TN/RL/W/173 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by Australia, paper by Australia - 13 May 2005. TN/RL/W/180 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by Australia: Paper by Australia, Revision - 3 March 2005. TN/RL/W/173/Rev.1 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by China, paper by China - 22 July 2005. TN/RL/W/185 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by the European Communities, paper by the European Communities - 12 May 2005. TN/RL/W/179 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, paper by the separate custom territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 9 June 2005. TN/RL/W/182 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements by the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu: Paper by the separate custom territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu - 3 August 2005. TN/RL/W/186 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Submission on regional trade agreements, Chile - 10 July 2002. TN/RL/W/16 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Submission on regional trade agreements, paper by Japan - 8 October 2004. TN/RL/W/165 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2002) Submission on regional trade agreements, paper by Turkey - 25 November 2002. TN/RL/W/32 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Submission on regional trade agreements, paper by Turkey - 8 December 2004. TN/RL/W/167 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2004) Submission on regional trade agreements, paper from Chile - 13 September 2004. TN/RL/W/163 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Submission on regional trade agreements: Communication from the Republic of Korea - 11 June 2003. TN/RL/W116 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2003) Submission on regional trade agreements: Joint communication from Australia, Chile, Hong Kong, China, Korea and New Zealand - 11 June 2003. TN/RL/W/117 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
WTO, World Trade Organization (2005) Submission on regional trade agreements: Paper by Japan - 28 October 2005. TN/RL/W/190 . World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva.
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