A digitised version of ICSF library, with more than 2000 original documents and 12,000+ curated links, collected over the last 33 years The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

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Number of items: 66.


Bennet, P.Sam and G., Arumugam (1991) The Present status of small-scale traditional fishery at Tuticorin. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Cochin.


CMFRI, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (1991) National symposium on research and development in marine fisheries, Mandapam Camp, 16-18 September 1987 - Papers presented sessions V, VI and VII. CMFRI Bulletin No.44 . Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Cochin.

Carson, Rachel (1991) The Sea: The Sea around us under the sea-wind the edge of the sea. Paladin, London. ISBN 0-586-09052-5

Cereceda, Luz Eugenia and Wormald, Guillermo (1991) The Privatization of the sea and artisan fishing in Chile. Digital Library of the Commons.

Chandrakant, Kamala (1991) Our fish - Our wealth. BOBP/MAG/10 . Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), Madras.

Chou, Loke Ming and Chau, Thia-Eng and Khoo, Hong Woo and Lim, Poh Eng and Paw, James N. and Silvestre, Geronimo T. and Valencia, Mark J. and White, Alan T. and Wong, Poh Kam (1991) Towards an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. ICLARM Contribution No.552 . ICLARM - The World Fish Center, Singapore. ISBN 971-1022-68-0/0115-4435

Coackley, Ned and Y., Bryn and Conwy, Glan (1991) Fishing boat construction: 2 Building a fibreglass fishing boat. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No.321 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-103116-9

Cordell, John (1991) Negotiating sea rights. Cultural Survivor.


De Lond, J.Bradford and Eichengreen, Barry (1991) The Marshall plan: History's most successful structural adjustment program. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge.

Diegues, Antonio Carlos Sant’Ana and Schiavone Cardoso, Eduardo (1991) Artisanal fishing in Brazil. Samudra Report (4). pp. 10-11. ISSN 0973 1121


F.D., Parado-Estepa and E.T., Quinitio and E.L., Borlongan (1991) Prawn hatchery operations. Aquaculture Extension Manual No.19 . South East Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Philippines. ISBN 971-8511-21-0

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1991) The Environment protection act 1991 act no.34 of 1991-19 July 1991. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome.

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1991) Reducing environmental impacts of coastal aquaculture. Reports and Studies No.47 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome.

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1991) Report of the nineteenth session of the committee on fisheries Rome, 8-12 April 1991. FAO Fisheries Report No. 459 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-103113-4

Fyson, John F. (1991) Fishing boat designs: 3 Small trawlers. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No.188 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-100700-4


GATT, General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (1991) United States - Restrictions on imports of tuna - Report of the panel. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), USA.

GOS, Government of Seychelles (1991) Laws of Seychelles: Chapter 82 fisheries act and subsidiary legislation. Government of Seychelles (GOS), Seychelles.

Gillet, Pierre (1991) Cruel Taiwan. Samudra Report (4). p. 7. ISSN 0973 1121

Goodland, Robert and Daly, Herman and Serafy, Salah El and Droste, Bernd von (1991) Environmentally sustainable economic development: Building on Brundtland. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris.

Gueye, Malic (1991) Truth is like shadow it cannot be buried. Samudra Report (4). pp. 14-16. ISSN 0973 1121


Haakonsen, Jan M. and Diaw, Mariteuw Chimere (1991) Fishermen's migrations in West Africa. IDAF/WP/36 . Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF), Benin.

Hey, Ellen and William T., Burke and Ponzoni, Doris and Sumi, Kazuo (1991) The Regulation of driftnet fishing on the high seas: Legal issues. FAO Legislative Study No.47 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-103009-X

Hviding, Edvard and Ruddle, Kenneth (1991) A Regional assessment of the potential role of customary marine tenure (CMT) systems in contemporary fisheries management in the South Pacific. Forum Fisheries Agency, Solomon Islands.


ICLARM, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (1991) Coastal area management education in the ASEAN region. ICLARM Contribution No.680 . International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), Philippines. ISBN 971-8709-00-2/0115-4435

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1991) Acceptance speech of Aliou Sall – ICSF representative for the ‘award 2001. Samudra Report (4). ISSN 0973 1121

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1991) Comment/Editorial: Fishermen’s rights. Samudra Report (4). p. 3. ISSN 0973 1121

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1991) Fisheries agreements under the Lome convention. International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), India.

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1991) Fishworkers moving forward arm in arm. Samudra Report (4). pp. 18-19. ISSN 0973 1121

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1991) ICSF International seminar / workshop: The Conditions of fishworkers on distant-water vessels, Manila, Philippines, February 1-3, 1991. Samudra Report (4). pp. 8-9. ISSN 0973 1121

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1991) Seminar-workshop on the conditions of fishworkers on distant water vessels Manila, Philippines, February 1 to 3, 1991. International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), India.

IMR, International Migration Review (1991) International convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families. International Migration Review (IMR).


Jeremy R., Barker (1991) Giant clams in the Maldives: A Stock assessment and study of their potential for culture. BOBP/WP/72 . Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), Madras.


K., Alagarswami and B.P, Gupta and S.M, Pillai and L., Krishnan (1991) Report on a study of confined-pond prawn farming in Chilka Lake, Orissa. Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA), Madras.


L., Petrucelli and G., Hoff (1991) Seafarers fish workers, and supporters unite in Mauritius. Samudra Report (4). p. 17. ISSN 0973 1121

Lodge, Michael W. (1991) Implementation of the minimum terms and conditions. FFA Report No.91/76 . Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), Solomon Islands.


MAF, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (1991) The Maori fisheries act 1989. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), New Zealand.

MNS, Madras Naturalists' Society (1991) Pitti island Lakshadweep: An Ornithological study. Madras Naturalists' Society (MNS), Madras.

MOEF, Ministry of Environment and Forests (1991) The Coastal regulation zone notifications. Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), India.

MOEF, Ministry of Environment and Forests (1991) Environmental protection of coastal areas - PIL - Non-implementation of the notification dated 19.2.1991 which declared coastal stretches as coastal regulation zones. Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), India.

MOEF, Ministry of Environment and Forests (1991) Ministry of environment and forests (Department of environment, forests and wildlife) appendix - 1, notification , New Delhi, the 20th June 1991. Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), New Delhi.

MOEF, Ministry of Environment and Forests (1991) Notification under section 3(1) and section3(2) of the environment protection act 1986 and rule 5(3) (d) of environment protection rules, 1986 declaring coastal stretches as coastal regulation zone (CRZ) and regulating activities in the CRZ. Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), New Delhi.

Mathew, Sebastian (1991) Study of territorial use rights in small-scale fisheries: Traditional systems of fisheries management in Pulicat Lake, Tamil Nadu, India. International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), India.

Met Jung Lit, Yvonne (1991) Fish workers and Taiwan’s distant-water fishing industry. Samudra Report (4). pp. 4-6. ISSN 0973 1121


NEPA, National Environment and Planning Agency (1991) The Natural resources conservation authority act. National Environment and Planning Agency, Jamaica.

NFF, National Fishworkers Forum (1991) National Fishworkers' Forum national and state level unions' reports 1991. National Fishworkers Forum (NFF), Thiruvananthapuram.


P., Cayre and D., Le Touze and D., Norungee and J., Williams (1991) Artisanal fishery of tuna around fish aggregating devices (FADs) in Comoros Islands. Preliminary estimate of FAD efficiency. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Bangkok.

Potocnjak, Christian (1991) Benthic fisheries in Chile: Feasibility of co-management on an open access regime. Digital Library of the Commons.

Prescott-Allen, Robert (1991) Caring for the earth: A Strategy for sustainable living. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland. ISBN 2-8317-0074-4


Rocheleau, Dianne and Schofield, Karen L. and Mbuthi, Njoki J. (1991) People, property, poverty and parks: A Story of men, women, water and trees at Pwani. Clark University, Massachusetts.


S., Sen and E., Seki and Mheen-Sluijer, J.Van der (1991) Gender issues in fisheries and aquaculture including proceedings of the workshop on enhanced women's participation in fisheries development, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 4-7 December. GCP/INT/436 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Harare.

SEAFDEC, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (1991) SEAFDEC annual report 1990. South East Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Philippines. ISBN 0116-712X

SLORC, State Law and Order Restoration Council (1991) Freshwater fisheries law, 4th March 1991. State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC).

Sissenwine, Michael P. and Mace, Pamela M. (1991) ITQs in New Zealand: The Era of fixed quota in perpetuity. Fishery Bulletin, United States of America (USA).

Sullivan, Marjorie and Gibson, Lionel (1991) Environmental planning, climate change and potential sea level rise: Report on a mission to Kiribati. SPREP Report and Studies No.50 . South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Noumea. ISBN 982-203-191-2


UNRISD, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (1991) Ruining the commons and responses of the commoners coastal overfishing and fishermen's actions in Kerala state, India. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva. ISBN 1012-6511


WB, World Bank (1991) Fisheries and aquaculture research: Capabilities and needs in Africa. World Bank Technical Paper No.149 . World bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1853-5/0253-7494

WB, World Bank (1991) Fisheries and aquaculture research: Capabilities and needs in Asia. World Bank Technical Paper (147). World bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1851-9/0253-7494

WB, World Bank (1991) Fisheries and aquaculture research: Capabilities and needs in Latin America. World Bank Technical Paper No.148 . World bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1852-7/0253-7494

WB, World Bank (1991) International Cooperation in Fisheries Research. World Bank Technical Paper No.150 . World bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1854-3/0253-7494

WB, World Bank (1991) Small pelagic fish utilization, research needs. World Bank Technical Paper No.153 . World bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1857-8/0253-7494

WB, World Bank (1991) Small-scale fisheries - Research needs. World Bank Technical Paper No.152 . World Bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1856-X/0253-7494

WB, World Bank (1991) Tropical aquaculture development - Research needs. World Bank Technical Paper No.151 . World bank (WB), Washington. ISBN 0-8213-1855-1/0253-7494

WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization (1991) The Constitution of the Zambia, 1991. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Zambia.

WTO, World Trade Organization (1991) Council directive of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fishery products. World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva.

Wickremeratne, Shanti (1991) The Law of the sea and the Indian Ocean. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Canada.

Windom, Herbert L. (1991) GESAMP: Two decades of accomplishments. Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), London.

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