A digitised version of ICSF library, with more than 2000 original documents and 12,000+ curated links, collected over the last 33 years The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

Trans-sector livelihood resilience in an urban small-scale fishing community

Wintergalen, Edward W. and Fulton, Stuart and Molina, Renato (2024) Trans-sector livelihood resilience in an urban small-scale fishing community. The Journal of Development Studies.

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Many coastal small-scale fishing (SSF) communities in low and middle-income countries are experiencing urbanization due to global development and migration patterns. Scholars have documented how processes related to urbanization present SSF communities with a unique series of opportunities and challenges. However, it is still poorly understood how SSF communities perceive and pursue resilience while adapting to these changing conditions. To address this gap, we conduct ethnographic research among the members of a fishing cooperative in Cancun, Mexico. We find that four factors related to Cancun’s pattern of development have incentivized local fishers to adopt a trans-sector perspective of livelihood resilience through which they view fishing as a lucrative but fleeting opportunity, with some actively planning a transition to non-fishing livelihoods. These four factors are the depletion of local fisheries, rising land values, the proliferation of non-fishing livelihood opportunities, and regional migration patterns. Whether local fishers ultimately prove resilient to the stresses of urbanization depends partly upon the degree to which local governance and support systems align with this perspective. By contextualizing these findings within the broader literature on SSFs and urban development, we develop a heuristic to hypothesize to what extent these findings are generalizable beyond the study context.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Livelihood, Small-scale Fisheries, Fishing Communities, Cancun, Mexico, Migration, Local Fisheries, Urbanization, Governance
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 12:08
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 12:08
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/20979

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