A digitised version of ICSF library, with more than 2000 original documents and 12,000+ curated links, collected over the last 33 years The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

Proximity to small-scale inland and coastal fisheries is associated with improved income and food security

Simmance, Fiona A. and Nico, Gianluigi and Smith, Simon Funge and Basurto, Xavier and Franz, Nicole and Teoh, Shwu J. and Byrd, Kendra A. and Kolding, Jeppe and Ahern, Molly and Cohen, Philippa J. and Nankwenya, Bonface and Gondwe, Edith and Virdin, John and Chimatiro, Sloans and Nagoli, Joseph and Kaunda, Emmanuel and Thilsted, Shakuntala H. and Mills, David J. (2022) Proximity to small-scale inland and coastal fisheries is associated with improved income and food security. p. 11.

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Official URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00496-5...


Poverty and food insecurity persist in sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted a secondary analysis of nationally representative data from three sub-Saharan Africa countries (Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda) to investigate how both proximity to and engagement with small-scale fisheries are associated with household poverty and food insecurity. Results from the analysis suggest that households engaged in small-scale fisheries were 9 percentage points less likely to be poor than households engaged only in agriculture. Households living in proximity to small-scale fisheries (average distance 2.7 km) were 12.6 percentage points more likely to achieve adequate food security and were 15 percentage points less likely to be income poor, compared to the most distant households. Households distant from fishing grounds (>5 km) were 1.5 times more likely to consume dried fish compared to households living close. Conserving the flow of benefits from small-scale fisheries is important for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in the region.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Small-scale Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Coastal Fisheries, Food Security, Sustainable Development Goals, Sub-Saharan Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Fishing Communities, Livelihoods, Fisheries Management
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 12:07
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 12:07
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/20988

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