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Trade Negotiations Committee: Minutes of meeting held in the centre William Rappard on 15 July 2024

WTO, World Trade Organization (2024) Trade Negotiations Committee: Minutes of meeting held in the centre William Rappard on 15 July 2024. World Trade Organization (WTO).

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The Chairperson welcomed Members to the forty-eighth formal session of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) and to the Informal Heads of Delegation (HODs) meeting. She extended her condolences and sympathy to all Members who had recently experienced tragedies – whether man-made or natural. She wished all Members well during these trying times. She welcomed new Permanent Representatives and looked forward to working with them. She also bade farewell to departing Permanent Representatives and delegates – thanking them, on behalf of the TNC, for their valuable contributions, negotiating efforts, and everything else they had done to make the negotiations move forward, and wishing them the best in their future endeavours. She likewise welcomed the consensus on the appointment of Ambassador Eunice Luambia (Zambia) as the Chairperson of the Committee on Trade and Environment in Special Session (CTE SS). She thanked her for taking up this assignment and responsibility and encouraged all Members to work with her to reinvigorate the trade and environment negotiations. 1.2. She recalled that the previous formal TNC had been held in December 2023 – noting that this gap should not come as a surprise because she had been following Members' request to try to avoid duplication and to be more efficient in the way that sessions at the WTO were run. In this regard, she had been convening meetings when she felt it was strictly necessary, and, in the meantime, providing updates in the General Council (GC) when appropriate to avoid making multiple statements and taking up Members' time. She hoped Members had found that useful. She intended to continue in the same way, not to simply calling TNC meetings for the sake of holding them, but only to call them when she felt that there was a need for Members to have a discussion together on where they were on the negotiations. At the same time, given that the July GC meeting was fast approaching, she had convened the current meeting to take the pulse of where Members were so that they could collectively see how to approach the GC itself and plan their work for the weeks before the summer break and how to take them up thereafter. Concerning the organization of the meeting, she referred to the Convening Notice 1 in ICN/TNC/7 which had set out in detail the expectations under each item in the agenda that they had adopted2 . After Members' interventions, in line with Members' request, she would extend the Informal HODs to share takeaways, updates, and brief exchanges on some of the things that had happened recently – from the Secretariat transformation process and the WTO Open Day to the Strategy for the Secretariat, among other matters.

Item Type: Documents
Keywords: Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), World Trade Organization (WTO), Developing Country, Fish Stocks, Livelihood, Food Security, Fisheries Subsidies, Sustainable Development Goals, Overfishing, Mitigation
Subjects: Fisheries Trade
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 12:00
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 12:00
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21115

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