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Status of small pelagic fisheries research in the Tanzanian marine waters: A systematic map

Woiso, Julius Francis and Shalli, Mwanahija Salehe and Kizenga, Hellen Joseph (2024) Status of small pelagic fisheries research in the Tanzanian marine waters: A systematic map. Ocean and Coastal Management, 254.

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Biophysical and socio-economic research are pivotal in shaping effective fisheries policy and management. Despite the significance of data in fisheries management, the systematic identification and ranking of research priorities for fisheries in Tanzania, particularly on small scale pelagic fisheries, as outlined in various government documents, have been lacking. This study presents a systematic mapping of the existing literature, synthesizing 61 records to analyse research con ducted on the small pelagic fishery in Tanzania across different areas of focus and topics over time. The primary goal was identifying knowledge gaps to guide future research and robust syntheses like systematic reviews. Our results reveal a long-standing history of small pelagic fish research, spanning nine decades, with a notable surge, particularly since 2000. This surge is characterized by the dominance of multidisciplinary studies that address multiple research areas and often combine species. Furthermore, a multiple-response analysis highlights the dominance of biological study topics (38%), followed by those of socio-economic aspects (27%). In line with the Ecosystem-Approach to Fisheries (EAF), research areas in our systematic map were categorized into three broader groups that were used to determine knowledge gaps. The three groups are Ecosystems and fishery impact, Socio-economic considerations, and Governance. More studies were found to be conducted on ecosystems and fishery impact, followed by socio-economic considerations, while fewer studies were conducted on different aspects of governance. Our findings recommend addressing knowledge gaps to enhance the effective management of small pelagic fisheries in line with the EAF framework.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Fisheries Management, Small Pelagic Fisheries, Tanzanian, Marine Waters, Mapping, Fisheries Research, Socio-economic Aspects, Ecosystem-Approach to Fisheries (EAF), Governance, Fisheries Policy, Fisheries Resources
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 11:55
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 11:55
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21210

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