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Soil erosion risk associated with climate change at Mantaro River basin, Peruvian Andes

Correa, Sly W. and Mello, Carlos R. and Chou, Sin C. and Curi, Nilton and Norton, Lloyd D. (2016) Soil erosion risk associated with climate change at Mantaro River basin, Peruvian Andes. CATENA, 147. pp. 110-124.

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Soil degradation by water erosion has been accelerated by human activities. This process is aggravated in the Andes region due to steep slopes, sparse vegetation cover, and sporadic but high intensity rainfall, which together with a shallow soil depth, increases soil erosion risk. The objective of this study was to analyze the soil erosion risk, associated with A1B climate change scenario over the twenty-first century, for the Mantaro River basin (MRB), Peruvian Andes. The temporal analyses revealed maintenance of current soil erosion risk along the twenty-first century in almost all the MRB, whose current risk is either “very severe” or “extremely severe”. At the sub-basin level, for those located in the center and northern MRB, progressive increases were observed in the average erosion rate by the end of this century, increasing the soil erosion risk. In sub-basins under greater influence of the Andes, this risk was classified as “moderate” and remained this way throughout the century, despite the increase in rainfall erosive potential simulated for these. In annual terms, there was a significant trend of decreasing rainfall erosivity and increasing the concentration of rainfall simulated based on A1B climate change scenario. Because the A1B scenario affects rainfall erosivity mainly during the rainy season, this causes a risk to the environmental sustainability and future agricultural activities.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Climate Change, Mantaro River Basin (MRB), Peruvian Andes, Conservation, Soil Erosion
Subjects: Disasters and Climate Change
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 11:53
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 11:53
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21248

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