A digitised version of ICSF library, with more than 2000 original documents and 12,000+ curated links, collected over the last 33 years The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

A global assessment of preferential access areas for small-scale fisheries

Basurto, Xavier and Virdin, John and Franz, Nicole and DeLand, Sarah and Smith, Bea and Cleary, Jesse and Vegh, Tibor and Halpin, Patrick (2024) A global assessment of preferential access areas for small-scale fisheries. p. 9.

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Official URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s44183-024-00096-0...


We provide the first global assessment of the status of preferential access areas (PAAs), a relatively understudied policy tool to govern small-scale fisheries. We find 44 countries, most of them of low or low-middle income, have established a total of 63 PAAs encompassing 3% of continental shelf area worldwide. The analysis of an ad-hoc subsample of twelve countries in three continents for which data were available (2016–2017) revealed that PAAs supported greater amounts of small-scale fisheries marine catch volume, landed value, fishing for self-consumption, and more nutritious species than marine areas outside PAAs. This preliminary assessment suggests that if appropriately enforced through shared governance with fishers and responsible fishing practices, relatively small areas of the ocean could provide important nutrition security, economic, and employment benefits to millions of people living in coastal areas. We offer an agenda for future research and policy action based on our findings.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Small-scale Fisheries, Responsible Fisheries, Fisheries Policy, Governance, Sustainable Development, Fishing Communities, Coastal Areas, Coastal Waters
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 09 Dec 2024 04:54
Last Modified: 09 Dec 2024 04:54
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21288

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