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The national biodiversity strategy and action plan of Japan 2023-2030: The roadmap to realizing nature-positive by 2030

MOE, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (2023) The national biodiversity strategy and action plan of Japan 2023-2030: The roadmap to realizing nature-positive by 2030. Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

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Official URL: https://www.env.go.jp/content/000256855.pdf


A new mission to be addressed in the biodiversity area, “Nature-Positive by 2030,” which aims at halting biodiversity loss and reversing the trend to put nature on a path to recovery, this NBSAP is developed as a roadmap for the realization of this mission. Since “Nature-Positive by 2030” cannot be achieved by the efforts of the government alone, this NBSAP concretely sets forth strategies and action plans that the government will implement, in collaboration with all citizen of the country, to protect and utilize natural capital, including the “30by30 target” which aims at effectively conserving at least 30% of land and sea areas as healthy ecosystems by 2030 for the achievement of the mission. - While this NBSAP sets the target year as FY2030, Japan will continue to pursue relevant measures based on this NBSAP as Japan’s basic strategy for the conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity for the period beyond FY2031 until the next NBSAP is developed based on a next global biodiversity framework beyond FY2031 that is to succeed the current GBF. - This NBSAP consists of two parts; Part 1 describes the current status and issues of biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as the basic concept of “Nature-Positive by 2030” and its targets. Part 2 describes measures to be undertaken by FY2030 for achieving the action-oriented targets specified in Part 1. In addition, annexes include “the 30by30 Roadmap” that outlines the process and detailed strategies for meeting the 30by30 target, “the importance of biodiversity” which describes fundamental information for the implementation of this NBSAP, and “the grand design for national land”.

Item Type: Documents
Keywords: NBSAP, Conservation, Sustainable Use, Biodiversity, Action Plan, Japan, Convention on Biological Diversity, Conflicts, Mitigation
Subjects: Biodiversity
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2025 06:36
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2025 06:36
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21449

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