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Acceptance of the summer fishing moratorium among small-scale fishers in China

Zhang, Lei and Ma, Shengwei and Tang, Yi and Zhou, Yanbo and Wu, Qiaer (2024) Acceptance of the summer fishing moratorium among small-scale fishers in China. Marine Policy, 173.

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Understanding the acceptance and views of small-scale fishers regarding the summer fishing moratorium (SFM) is essential for the sustainability of marine fishery resources and social development of traditional fishing areas in China. This study explored the acceptance and impact of the SFM from the perspective of small-scale fishers, reviewed the existing literature on policy acceptance, and developed a research framework for evaluating their acceptance of the marine SFM. In addition, this study identified factors affecting policy acceptance, including policy awareness, law enforcement effectiveness, resource protection effects, and livelihood impacts. A total of 325 valid questionnaires were collected from small-scale fishers in four towns around the Beibu Gulf. The results revealed that respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the positive long-term impact of the SFM. However, they acknowledged that the SFM affected their livelihoods to varying degrees. Most fishers believed that stricter enforcement of the policy was necessary and that violations to the rules must be strongly punishable, leading to a high overall acceptance of the policy. Policy acceptance was positively affected by awareness, effective implementation, and perceived resource protection but negatively affected by livelihood impacts. These results highlight the need to formulate balanced policy measures that consider both resource protection and the economic well-being of small-scale fishers. The study recommends strengthening policy implementation, improving communication strategies, and providing targeted financial support to mitigate negative livelihood impacts, thereby fostering greater acceptance of sustainable fishery management.

Item Type: Articles
Keywords: Small-scale Fisheries, China, Summer Fishing Moratorium (SFM), Marine Fisheries, Fisheries Resources, Traditional Fisheries, Social Development, Livelihoods, Fisheries Management, Sustainable Fisheries
Subjects: Right to Resources
Depositing User: Kokila ICSF Krish
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2025 08:01
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025 08:01
URI: http://icsfarchives.net/id/eprint/21489

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