A digitised version of ICSF library, with more than 2000 original documents and 12,000+ curated links, collected over the last 33 years The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

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Number of items: 65.


Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuv, Ministry of Jal Shakthi (2023) All India report of first census of water bodies - Volume 1. Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti,, India.

V.K, Melkani and V., Naganathan and Maheswari, R.Uma (2007) National research and monitoring moderation workshop: Compilation of research papers. GOMBRT Publication No. 5, 1 . Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust (GMBRT), Ramanathapuram.


Dwiyanto, Leonita and Kusumastanto, Tridoyo (2023) Sustainable livelihood of fishers in palangpang Beach, Sukabumi, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1148 . IOP.


Monfort, Marie Christine (2015) The Role of women in the seafood industry. GLOBEFISH Research Programme, 119 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome.


DA, Department of Agriculture (2007) Fisheries statistics of the Philippines 2005-2007. Department of Agriculture (DA), Philippines. ISBN 2012-0397


Johnson, Derek S. and Acott, Tim G. and Stacey, Natasha and Urquhart, Julie (2017) Social wellbeing and the values of Small-scale Fisheries. MARE Publication Series, 17 . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-60749-8


Jakobsen, Ingvild Ulrikke (2016) Marine protected areas in international law: An arctic perspective. Queen Mary studies in international law, 25 . Brill Bijhoff, Boston. ISBN 978-90-04-25472-5


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (2002) FAO yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities. FAO Fisheries Series No.68, FAO Statistics Series No.182, 95 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-005155-7

Vol. 8

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1998) FAO yearbook fishery statistics: Capture production, 1996. FAO Fisheries Series No.50, FAO Statistics Series No.140, Vol. 8 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-004134-9/1020-6633


BOBLME, Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Transboundary diagnostic analysis: Issues, proximate and root causes. Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project (BOBLME), Thailand.

EC, European Communities (2001) The Future of the common fisheries policy. European Communities (EC), Luxembourg. ISBN 92-894-0904-5

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (2000) FAO yearbook, fishery statistics: Capture production - 1998. FAO Fisheries Series No.54, FAO Statistics Series No.152, Vol.1 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-004424-0/1020-6663

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1984) Regional compendium of fisheries legislation (Western Pacific Region). FAO Legislative Study No.35, Vol.1 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-102202-X

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation and WFS, World Food Summit (1996) Technical background documents 1-5, world food summit, 13-17 November 1996, Rome, Italy. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-103878-3

FIMSUL, Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihoods (2011) FIMSUL project in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India: Key findings and future recommendations - Final report. Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihoods (FIMSUL), Chennai.

GMBRT, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust (2011) Compendium of research findings on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve. Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust (GMBRT), Ramanathapuram.

ICSF, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (1997) Women first: Report of the women in fisheries programme of the ICSF in India. Women in fisheries No.2, Vol.1 . International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), India.

IDRC, International Development Research Centre (2000) Seeding solutions policy options for genetic resources: People, plants, and patents revisited. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome. ISBN 0-88936-926-7

Kothekar, Maneesha and Deshpande, Anjali (2019) Status of women in India: Education, employment and health. Drishti Stree Adhyayan Prabodhan Kendra, Pune.

NBA, National Biodiversity Authority (2009) Compendium of biological diversity act 2002, rules 2004 and notifications. National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), Chennai.

NCFS, Norwegian College of Fishery Science (1998) IIFET' 98 TROMSO - Proceedings. Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS), Norway. ISBN 82-9-1086-21-4

Porter, Gareth (2001) Fisheries subsidies and overfishing: Towards a structured discussion. Fisheries and the Environment, UNEP/ETU/2001/6, Vol.1 . United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Geneva. ISBN 92-807-2126-7/1020-0751.

Rajasuriya, Arjan (2014) Field guide to reef fishes of Sri Lanka. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-0205-25-7

SEAFDEC, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (2011) Proceedings of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC conference on sustainable fisheries for food security towards 2020 "Fish for the people 2020: Adaptation to a changing environment" Bangkok, Thailand, 13-17 June 2011 - The Conference proceedings. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Thailand.

UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme (1997) Waste management in small island developing states in the South Pacific - Proceedings of the workshop. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi.

Whittingham, Emma and Campbell, Jock and Townsley, Philip (2003) Poverty and reefs: A Global overview. Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom (UK).


P., Cohen and A.M, Song and T.H, Morrison (2017) Policy coherence with the small-scale fisheries guidelines: Analysing across scales of governance in Pacific small-scale fisheries. MARE Publication Series, Vol.12 . Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-55073-2


Bhatnagar, Mukesh (2021) Emerging disciplines on fisheries subsidies negotiations in the WTO and the relationship with other international instruments on fisheries — A Tight rope walk. Trade, Law and Development, India. ISBN 0975-3346


Kleiber, Danika and Frangoudes, Katia and Snyder, Hunter T. and Choudhury, Afrina and Cole, Steven Michael and Soejima, Kumi and Pita, Cristina and Santos, Anna and McDougall, Cynthia and Petrics, Hajnalka and Porter, Marilyn (2017) Promoting gender equity and equality through the small-scale fisheries guidelines: Experiences from multiple case studies. MARE Publication Series, Vol.14 . Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-55073-2


BOBLME, Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Transboundary diagnostic analysis: Background and environmental assessment. Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project (BOBLME), Thailand.

EC, European Communities (2001) The Future of the common fisheries policy: The Implementation of the community system for fisheries and aquaculture over the period 1993-2000 - Economic and social situation of coastal regions - State of the resources and their expected development. European Communities (EC), Luxembourg. ISBN 92-894-0915-0

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (2000) FAO yearbook, Fishery statistics: Aquaculture production - 1998. FAO Fisheries Series, FAO Statistics Series No.56,154, Vol.2 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-004443-7/1606-8602

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (2002) FAO yearbook, fishery statistics: Aquaculture production-2002. FAO Fisheries Series No.67, FAO Statistics Series No.181, Vol.2 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-005153-0/1606-8602

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1984) Regional compendium of fisheries legislation (Western Pacific Region). FAO Legislative Study No.35, Vol.2 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-102202-X

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation and WFS, World Food Summit (1996) Technical background documents 6-11, world food summit, 13-17 November 1996, Rome, Italy. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-103879-1

FIMSUL, Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihoods (2011) FIMSUL project in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India: Summary of FIMSUL process and outcomes under each work package - Final report. Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihoods (FIMSUL), Chennai.

GMBRT, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust (2012) Compendium of research findings on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve. Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust (GMBRT), Ramanathapuram.

IUCN, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (2003) Benefits beyond boundaries. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland.

Porter, Gareth (2001) Fisheries subsidies and marine resource management: Lessons learned from studies in Argentina and Senegal. Fisheries and the Environment, UNEP/ETU/2001/7, Vol.2 . United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Geneva. ISBN 92-807-2127-5/1020-0751

R, Sankaran and Andrews, Harry V. and Vaughan, Allen (2005) The Ground beneath the waves - Post-tsunami impact assessment of wildlife and their habitats in India: The Islands. Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), New Delhi.

Rajasuriya, Arjan (2014) Field guide to reef fishes of Sri Lanka. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-0205-27-1

SEAFDEC, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (2003) Fishing gear and methods in Southeast Asia: Malaysia. South East Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Malaysia.

V.K, Melkani and Edward, J.K.Patterson and V., Naganathan and Maheswari, R.Uma (2007) National research and monitoring moderation workshop: Compilation of research papers. GOMBRT Publication No.7, Vol.2 . Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust (GMBRT), Ramanathapuram.


SRUA, Seaweed Research and Utilisation Association (2002) Seaweed research and utilisation, Issue no. 1 and 2, 2002. Seaweed Research and Utilisation Association (SRUA), India.


SRUA, Seaweed Research and Utilisation Association (2000) Seaweed research and utilisation, Issue no.2, 2002. Seaweed Research and Utilisation Association (SRUA), India. ISBN 0971-7560


Jentoft, Svein and Chuenpagdee, Ratana and Said, Alicia and Isaacs, Moenieba (2022) Blue justice: Small-scale fisheries in a sustainable ocean economy. MARE Publication Series, Vol.26 . Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-89624-9/2212-6279


Dickson, Jonathan O. and Alba, Elmer B. and Munprasit, Aussanee and Chokesanguan, Bundit and Siriraksophon, Somboon (2003) Fishing gear and methods in Southeast Asia: Philippines part - 1. South East Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Thailand. ISBN 974-9509-33-1

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation and WFS, World Food Summit (1996) Technical background documents 12-15, world food summit, 13-17 November 1996, Rome, Italy. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-103880-5

Roy, Aparna and B.K, Das (2022) Resource degradation and conflicts affecting small-scale wetland fishers of West Bengal, India. TBTI Global Publication Series, Vol.3 . Too Big To Ignore, Canada.


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1993) 1991 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Catches and landings. FAO Fisheries Series No.40, FAO Statistics Series No.111, Vol.72 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003328-1/0251-5679


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1993) 1991 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities. FAO Fisheries Series No.41, FAO Statistics Series No.113, Vol.73 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003329-X/0251-5687


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1994) 1992 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Catches and landings. FAO Fisheries Series No.43, FAO Statistics Series No.120, Vol.74 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003524-1/0251-5679


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1994) 1992 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities. FAO Fisheries Series No.42, FAO Statistics Series No.118, Vol.75 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003526-8/0251-5687


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1996) 1994 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Catches and landings. FAO Fisheries Series No.46, FAO Statistics Series No.128, Vol.78 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003838-0/1014-7659


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1996) 1994 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities. FAO Fisheries Series No.47, FAO Statistics Series No.130, Vol.79 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003866-6/1014-7667


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1997) 1995 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Catches and landings. FAO Fisheries Series, FAO Statistics Series No.48,137, Vol.80 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003982-4/1014-7659


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1997) 1995 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities. FAO Fisheries Series, FAO Statistics Series No.45,124, Vol.81 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-003997-2/1014-7667


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1998) 1996 Yearbook of fishery statistics: Commodities. FAO Fisheries Series No.51, FAO Statistics Series No.144, Vol.83 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-004124-1/1014-7667


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (2002) FAO yearbook: Fishery statistics, commodities, 2000. FAO Statistics Series No.168, FAO Fisheries Series No.62, Vol.91 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome.


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (2002) FAO yearbook, fishery statistics: Capture production 2002. FAO Fisheries Series No.66, FAO Statistics Series No.180, Vol.94 . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-005139-5/1020-6663


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1987) Regional compendium of fisheries legislation (Indian Ocean region). FAO Legislative Study No.42/1, Vol.I . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-102567-3


FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1987) Regional compendium of fisheries legislation (Indian Ocean region). FAO Legislative Study No.42/2, Vol.II . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-102568-1

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1958) Report of the FAO training centre in fishery co-operatives and administration. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome.

FAO, Food and Agricultural Organisation (1983) Water law in selected European countries -(Cyprus, Finland, the Netherlands, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Yugoslavia). Legislative Study No.30, Vol.II . Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome. ISBN 92-5-101490-6


UN, United Nations (1999) Investment-related trade measures: UNCTAD series on issues in international investment agreements. UNCTAD/ITE/IIT No.10, Vol.IV . United Nations (UN), New York. ISBN 92-1-112451-4

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